Male Model Derek Zoolander Is Vogue’s Latest ’73 Questions’ A-Lister

The latest celebrity to take part in Vogue‘s modern masterpiece of the A-lister interview, 73 Questions, is none other than the really, really ridiculously good-looking Derek Zoolander, a male model you might have come across. He’s been quiet for the last 15 years or so (rumour has it he made a crucial misunderstanding and spent the better part of a decade trying to teach a colony of ants to read ‘See Spot Run‘ start to finish), but now he’s got a new film coming out, so it’s back on the press circuit he goes. 

Here he gives us an as-yet unheard of look into his home, diet, workout regime, guilty pleasures, and his on-again, off-again bromance with Hansel.

His new film, Zoolander 2, is out February 11.