Astrologers Say Tomorrow Is One Of The Best Days For Manifesting So Here’s What Ya Need To Do

I’m sure you’ve woken up with one helluva hangover from bottomless mimosas and you’re feeling rather cranky. But you may wanna ditch the negative thoughts ASAP and think positive because the Lion’s Gate Portal is about to open for one day only and it’s a super powerful time for manifesting.

For advice on how to manifest, check out the five best methods RN.

Here, we’re gonna discuss what the Lion’s Gate Portal means in astrology and how you can tap into its energy to manifest whatever the hell you want.

When does the Lion’s Gate Portal open?

Each year on August 8!

What is the Lion’s Gate Portal?

Every year when the sun in Leo aligns with the star Sirius, Orion’s Belt and the Earth, a powerful portal of energy is opened.

For this one day, there are endless manifestation possibilities.

This belief dates back to Egyptian times as the ancient Egyptians worshipped Sirius as the goddess Sopdet and celebrated her return in the morning sky as the start of a new year.

For this reason, mystic peeps have used this time to harness potent manifesting energy and summon their dreams to reality.

Tomorrow is the eighth day of the eighth month and in both numerology and astrology, eight is a very significant number.

The eighth house and eighth sign of the zodiac belong to Scorpio, which means tomorrow’s energy is all about power and transformation. AKA accessing power to make necessary changes in our lives.

What should I do?

First of all, get manifesting! Make a vision board (here’s a handy how-to guide for ya), clutch your crystals, write down your goals, hopes and dreams for the future.

Manifesting isn’t a one size fits all sitch and everyone has their own methods of manifestation.

The most important elements in manifesting is to first identify what it is you want, then spend time visualising it coming to fruition.

You might want to carve out some time tomorrow to sit down and write your aspirations into your journal, as simply writing it down is a powerful form of manifestation.

You could sit in a circle of candles and crystals and meditate while focusing on what you want. Might sound woo-woo as fuck but trust me, it bloody works! While meditating, you may receive an epiphany that’ll help you transform a dream into reality.

Or you can go all arty farty with it and craft yourself a vision board featuring images of all your desires. When I knock off this arvo, I plan on rifling through the stack of magazines that’s been taking up real estate in my wardrobe and finding pics that represent my goals. Then I’ll take a bunch of push pins and populate a cork board with all those glorious images to help manifest my goals.

And most of all, be sure to think positive thoughts because as we know from basic manifestation laws, our thoughts have a serious impact on our lives.

If we think negatively, negative shit will happen.

If we think positively, positive shit will happen.

Ya catch my drift?

Happy manifesting, bbs!

Matty Galea is the Managing Editor of PEDESTRIAN.TV, as well as our resident astrologer. You can find him on InstagramTwitter and TikTok.