Lena Dunham Talked About Possible ‘GIRLS’ Movie Down The Track

And Fans Of The Series’ Sphincters Tightened Nervously In Unison.

Because, Sex in the City movies.

In a profile accompanying the Variety ‘Power of Women’ cover story Dunham,
who is a SATC groupie/only human, talks about making a GIRLS film in the future: “I have fantasies of us all coming back when we’re 40. We’d want to wait long enough for something to have really gone down.”

The science side of the internet – or in20years.com, if you will – has shown us what this might look like:

Of the series ending she said: “I think America has a tendency to push shows past their due dates. I like the British model — in and out.” And on where Hannah will be: “Will she be with anyone? That’s the question. And how important is it ending up with someone, and is that the marker of success for a woman?”

At this point we can confirm: No. No it is not.

To read the full profile head HERE.