The First Kardashian-West Fam Photo Since Chicago’s Birth Is Peak ‘Kanye 2020’

The first Kardashian-West family photo with all 3 bebs is a doozy, guys. Honestly, this family – are they the new Presidential family? Is this Kanye starting his 2020 presidential campaign? Maybe.

If it is, he’s doing a bang-up job of presenting the perfect all-American-but-make-it-fashion family – from what I can tell the trick is to never smile, wear formal, Presidential gear but with a hint of high fashion to it, and have great hair. Also let’s all revisit my favourite gif if you didn’t get my “but make it fashion” ref.

Oh shit – here’s the pic by the way.

Few things to note – Kanye’s blonde? Did I miss this? Saint is the cutest fucking thing I’ve ever seen in my life, why doesn’t he feature more on Kim‘s Instagram is my serious question for the day.

Chicago is too “baby” still to be of worth to me. Come back when you’re 8 months+ Chi, and grow a personality. Sorry but it’s true.

Kim is perfection. First Lady all the way.

North is adorable still, but she’s getting to that age where I stop finding kids cute and just find them fucking annoying, like where they go “Are we there yet? Are we there yet? What does ‘shit’ mean? Where do babies come from?” on loop for 10 years.

Anyway Kim also gave a LOL insight into the reality of this cute pic in her follow-up tweet.

LOL Saint you little shit, you’re fast becoming my favourite K-W kid. Keep up the good work.