Kim Kardashian Endorses Jesus, Who Might Have Been Married

“Jesus Walks” is a Kanye West song, as well as a phrase you might use to describe his girlfriend Kim Kardashian if she possessed the ability to shapeshift.

Kim, who is in Australia to promote something called QuickTrim® (a product that sounds suspiciously similar to a home enema), was today asked by who she would want to swap lives with for a day. Her answer was Jesus because “I think it would be pretty fascinating to see the power he had.” If Kim had the power of Jesus, her miracles would be something along the lines of converting the loaves and fishes into the rye-crusted Virginia striped bass from Spago – which would be great!

Since this is Kim Kardashian we’re talking about, it’s hard to say whether Christians will deem the high-profile endorsement of Jesus’s power a bonus; but, either way, those with more fundamentalist Christian leanings will have at least one Jesus-related news item to celebrate over. Yesterday the New York Times reported on a newly discovered 4th-century papyrus fragment which a piece of text making reference to Jesus’s wife.

The Times article says the piece of text “contains a phrase never seen in any piece of Scripture: “Jesus said to them, ‘My wife …’ Just below the line about Jesus having a wife, the papyrus includes a second provocative clause that purportedly says, “she will be able to be my disciple.””

There’s no arguing with that. – I mean, shouldn’t ALL wives worship their husbands as if they were their disciples?

Only kidding y’all! Only kidding.

Digressions aside, this Da Vinci Codeish discovery makes for an interesting addition to the (spiritually irrelevant) debate over whether or not Jesus was gay, which has been the source of ongoing speculation and conjecture with regard to Christianity and the anti-homosexual ideals of some believers.

Photo by Lisa Maree Williams for Getty Images