Keira Knightley Won’t Stop Playing Her Damn Teeth & I Have So Many Questions

keira knightley teeth

Keira Knightly has officially won World Health Day’s #HopeFromHome by posting an incredible video in which she *checks notes* plays her teeth.

Yes. Her TEETH.

The iconic Bend It Like Beckham actress has blessed us all with the gift of playing The Beatles’ Yesterday on her teeth.

In a video posted to the Red Nose Day USA Instagram account, Knightley showed off her “one and only party trick.”

Interestingly, the professional entertainer claimed she was struggling to find anything entertaining to do for the #HopeFromHome campaign. She’s been nominated for three Golden Globes and two Oscars, but apparently her *real* talent is actually musical. Rather than showing off her incredible acting talents, Keira felt the need to “play” her teeth.

But it turns out this isn’t even a weird, new isolation hobby. She’s been doing this for years.

The weird talent dates back to her schooling days, when her classmate went on a televised talent show for his impeccable teeth-playing ability. Naturally, Keira felt the need to pick up the skill, and the rest is history.

Knightley has been known to bust out this party trick on talk shows like EllenGraham Norton and even Jimmy Fallon.

If you’ve already taught yourself all of the dances from High School Musical, knitted a few sweaters and exhausted the Netflix catalogue, might I suggest learning to play your teeth as a self-iso hobby?