Jessie J Would Rather Clean Her House Than Fuck Channing Tatum & That Makes One Of Us

jessie j channing tatum

Jessie J has just revealed that she enjoys cooking and cleaning more than bumping uglies with Channing Fucking Tatum and sure, I bet.

The 31-year-old singer songwriter recently got back with her Magic Mike boyfriend and although everyone you know wants to climb him like a tree, she’d frankly rather do the dishes.

In an interview with The Times of London, Jessie discussed her favourite things, and you’d be surprised to know that sex (with Channing Tatum) doesn’t take out the top spot.

“Tidying is my love language. Cooking, organising, singing and sex are my favourite things, in that order. If I wasn’t a singer, I’d be a house organiser like Marie Kondo,” she said.

In. That. Order.


Now, I’m not here to shame anyone. If cooking some tasty tofu gets you off, you do you. But I can’t help but feel like the Price Tag singer is throwing some shade at her Magic Mike boyfriend. And honestly, it’s a mood.

Maybe she’s just a strong woman who wants to have her cake, eat it, wash up after it, then maybe get a little bit of a Charles Dickens from Channing Tatum, if she’s feeling it. And yes, by Charles Dickens, I mean sex.

Imagine dating one of the most conventionally attractive men in the entertainment industry, the poster boy for movies to entice horny women across the globe, Magic Mike himself, and making sure he knows that his dick is not *that* good.

Even if (like me) Channing Tatum isn’t particularly your cup of tea, the man is a sexual icon and Jessie J is not about to let that ego get to his head.

Jessie J is keeping her man in his place.

The couple recently announced that they’re back together after calling it quits back in December after a year of dating. But if you think that’s going to stop her from keeping to her tight schedule, think again.

“I don’t like late-night sessions, so I’ll finish work at around six and go home,” she said. “In the evenings I like to unwind with a bath or meditation.”

“I put on nice music, light candles, do a face mask, put on sexy underwear and just be with myself.”

Jessie J is iconic and we can’t help but stan. It’s 2020 and this is the energy we should all be taking into the bedroom.

Sex is good, but will it ever fulfil you the same way that steam cleaning your carpets will? I don’t think so.