Fox News Host Reckons Australians Have No Freedoms Because Of Gun Laws

Normally the words “Fox” and “News” said in succession is a pretty good cue for you to tune out and think about bunnies for a few seconds.


But in this case it’s actually worth paying a wee bit of attention to Murdoch’s weaponised fear machine, because it’s pretty dang lol.
With the US media cycle still dissecting the tragic events in Oregon that saw a lone gunman mercilessly execute 9 of his classmates at the Umpqua Community College, the issue of gun control in the US has reared its head once again. As it does each and every time a shocking mass-shooting – the likes of which are practically common place in the USA – occurs.
And, as usual, the arguments from the gun-toting, second amendment-thumping, conservative hard right remain the same: If a good guy had a gun, it wouldn’t have happened; the actions of one shouldn’t remove the liberties of all; FUCK YOU DON’T TAKE MY GUNS, etc.
When arguments like this arise, comparisons to Australia – a horribly restrictive country with very little freedoms where citizens aren’t even allowed to be freely and ruthlessly slaughtered by fringe dwelling nutjobs with unrestricted access to military-grade assault weaponry anymore – are inevitable. Particularly on FOX News.
Enter: Three co-hosts with some of the most middle-America names you’re ever likely to encounter – Tucker Carlson, Clayton Morris, and Anna Kooiman.

Freedoms or no freedoms, that remarkably grim scoreboard never lies.