Emilia Clarke & Jason Momoa Reunited & It’s Purer Than Anything On ‘GoT’

Game of Thrones might be more into the aunt/nephew ship now, but all the way back in season one there was another favourite couple: Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo.

While the ~ethics~ of shipping those two have always been a little off, there’s no doubt that the entire fandom felt Dany’s pain and grief when the witch Mirri Maz Dur essentially killed her sun and stars, leaving Dany the unfortunate task of, er, finishing off the job. (Read: smothering him to death.)

Since then, actor Jason Momoa has been off Aquaman-ing his way through the DC Universe, but as anyone who follows his Instagram knows, he’s still very fond of his former on-screen Khaleesi.

For example, here’s what he posted at the end of season six, when Dany’s fleet crossed the Narrow Sea to go reclaim Westeros:

“The world is yours baby, kill ’em all.” He’s the supportive dead husband we all need in our lives.

Anyway, he and Emilia Clarke just so happened to be in the same city, and posted a pic that’ll make you all nostalgic for GoT season one (or that cruel vision in season two where it was like, LOOK HOW HAPPY YOU COULD HAVE BEEN?).

“When life is so good that your sun and stars is in your city,” wrote Emilia. “YOU ALWAYS MOTHER OF DRAGON’S MAIN MAN.”

Jon who?

She also hashtagged – in typical Clarke style – #lookoutjonshowdrogosgotyournumber, #happinessishere and #hawaiinhakahunkoffunshutsdownlondon.

LOOK HOW HAPPY AND CUTE THEY ARE. Also: actual blonde hair (as opposed to a wig) really suits Emilia, no?

And it gets better. Jason commented back: “You are and will always be the Moon of my life. What an epic night, I miss you always. Aloha Drogo*.”

We’re not crying, you’re crying.

*Aloha, as everyone’s favourite early naughties film about the FBI and beauty pageants taught us, means ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’. We owe Sandra Bullock so much.