Eagle-Eyed ‘Ninja Warrior’ Viewers Spotted A Big Spoiler During The Finale

It may make little sense for an outside observer, but when the chips are down, a Ninja Warrior spoiler is worse than a Game of Thrones spoiler. The greatest physical challenge since the Ancient Olympics must not be spoiled.

Unfortunately, it seems Channel Nine inadvertently did with a promo during the show, advertising the appearance of contestant Fred Dorrington on The Today Show the following morning. Dorrington hadn’t beaten the notoriously hard final course, but he did end up getting furthest.
Obviously, it’s pretty unlikely that Today would put one of the LOSERS on their show – unless it was for an uncharacteristically cruel segment in which they were ridiculed in front of a national audience – and Ninja Warrior punters pretty quickly grokked onto the fact that Dorrington probably ended up winning.

And yeah, when it got to the end, he did win. Surprise surprise. 

There’s a lesson here. Do not anger reality TV audiences. They are, on balance, far more vicious and unforgiving than the general population.
Photo: Ninja Warrior.