‘Create Education Better’ says Miss Utah In The Second Worst Pageant Response Ever

Gently manicured Poised with some sinister ‘up in the club’ eyeshadow spanning the entire lid to the eyebrow, Marissa Powell (Miss Utah) delivered a bout of cringe-inducing verbal diarrhoea reflecting her opinion of income equality at Sunday night’s live Miss USA pageant (the short answer is “try to figure out how to create education better while being more smart”).
While there were no onstage stumbles involving mad bullshit heels (potentially embarrassing!!) these plentiful verbal stumbles more embarrassingly so amounted to zero advancements in the gender equality discourse: 

Obviously, Twitter peeps did not hesitate to deal Miss Utah some scathing gratuitous opinion. Deadspin’s Timothy Burke also ignited some rich dialogue when he quoted Billy Madison to further malign her incoherence: 
Aww shiet.
In brighter news, Miss South Carolina 2007 is delighted to be overshadowed by a more current silly person, but baby gurl, thanks to the internet and assholes like us, People Don’t Forget: 

Yep, South Carolina, you still the worst.