Christina Aguilera’s Got An Astonishingly Good Britney Spears Impression

Celebrities hiding secret celebrity impressions is probably one of my favourite things in the world.

Nicki Minaj‘s flawless Beyoncé? Amazing.

Bradley Cooper‘s surprisingly good Christopher Walken and Owen Wilson? Even better.

Justin Timberlake‘s hilarious take on Jimmy Fallon? So great. So great, my man.
You can go right ahead and add this one to this list. Visiting The Tonight Show to play a quick little round of “Wheel of Musical Impressions,Christina Aguilera reached into the bubblegum pop bag she knows so well to drag out an astonishingly on-point Britney Spears.
What’s more, she proved that “This Little Piggy” fits remarkably well into the melody of “…Baby One More Time.
BRB, trying to retrofit other nursery rhymes into other millennium-era pop hits. If you think I’m going to bed tonight before I’ve successfully mashed “One, Two, Buckle My Shoe” into Blue‘s “All Rise,” well then in the immortal words of Judas Priest – you’ve got another thing coming.