May Britney Spears’ New Iso Bangs Provide You With A Much-Needed Rush Of Endorphins

Greetings. Long-time advocate of Britney Spears‘ Instagram here, pleased to inform you that we can now add ‘posting about new bangs’ to the list of things our queen effortlessly slays. It is indeed wholesome as heck, and will hopefully provide some brief respite amid the current state of the world.

The Glory chanteuse posted the major news to her feed today, proudly proclaiming “I did it I finally cut bangs”. And doesn’t she look iconic as ever?

“Malibu Barbie is quivering,” Saint Hoax commented in support. Tea.

“How many comment are going to say “queen of bangs”?” her partner Sam Asghari added, alongside a crying emoji. This was obviously met with hundreds of replies stating just that.

Brit’s latest carousel is all of us when we feel ourselves after the hair-dressers and need to share it with the world. And, for that, we live.

That being said, I hope this doesn’t encourage everyone to start chopping away at their iso fringe now in an effort to replicate Britney. As someone who attempted to give themselves bangs a couple years back and ended up resembling the birth child of Lord Farquaad and Edna Mode, I say this out of love. I care for you.

In other news, a petition for Louisiana Confederate statues to be replaced with Britney Spears monuments has gained traction as of late, amassing close to 30k signatures.

Her power.