Balenciaga Is Launching A New Shoe Line & Sorry But WHAT ARE THOOOOSE

I’m a simple woman; I don’t pretend to understand the ever-changing follies of fashion. I’ve had the same haircut for ten years, I think some of Kim‘s outfits in Kath & Kim are pretty good actually, and for the life of me I cannot understand the fashion world’s recent obsession with ugly as hell sneakers.

yes, actually

And honestly, Balenciaga‘s new shoe line ain’t doing much to disabuse me of my ignorance. That shit is U-G-L-Y.

what are thooooose??????

They cost nearly one THOUSAND Australian dollars ($986.65) and they look like the Target sneakers I wore as a moderately obsessive nine-year-old until my toes started to poke through the ends.

At least with this latest brand-name charlatanry in the name of ~style~, a bunch of people other than me think it’s a load of unfathomable crap as well.

At this point it feels like we, the public, are being taken for a ride. How far can they push us, friends, until we throw off the heavy mantle of our collective illusions? They’re selling us pre-dirtied shoes for A GRAND! It is an outrage! It is offensive! It is..

It’s totally working.

May god have mercy on us all.