Australian Airports Rank Among World’s Worst

A document leaked by the Airports Council International has revealed that Australian airports are among the most negligible in the world when it comes to customer service. Our highest ranked facility being Sydney International at 67th.

As the report was designed to be confidential no criteria has been leaked, so we can only speculate as to what this was based on. However, given the possible out-of-pocket expenses between the check in desk and the boarding gate – i.e. struggling to get change out of $20 for a coffee and ham and cheese croissant (a chief airport staple) – food and beverage would have to factor into it. As would cleanliness, cost of parking, ease of movement, conflict resolution and the likeliness of vomiting from staring at kaleidoscopic carpet patterns for too long.

Singapore, Incheon-Seoul in South Korea and Hong Kong took out the top 3 spots, which should come as no surprise for those who have passed through them. Singapore in particular presents itself as more of a luxury shopping mall than airport.

Melbourne International came in at 104, five spots behind notoriously shitty London hub Heathrow while Perth and Gold Coast earned the 120th and 75th spots respectively. We’re not asking for an oxygen bar or anything (though that would be nice for some people I guess), but that stagnant and sad circa 80’s vibe that permeates every Australian airport must really bring tourists down.