An Artist Used AI To Recreate GoT Characters From Book Descriptions Just In Time For Winter

Once upon a time, everyone thought Artificial Intelligence (AI) would take over the world. Now, it’s being used for a far more important job: recreating Game of Thrones characters based on their OG descriptions.

Msbananaanna is a content creator from Melbourne who has used AI to reconstruct our Harry Potter faves and posted them to Imgur next to their written descriptions.

You may remember Msbananaanna’s work from earlier in May when they completed a similar project creating AI Harry Potter characters.

Some of these Game of Thrones results were incredible, and others will definitely haunt me for decades. Let’s figure out which designs fall into which category!

Daenerys Targaryen: Age 13-15. Daenerys has the classical Valyrian look; She has violet eyes, pale skin, and long, pale silver-gold hair. Daenerys is slender of frame. Daenerys has been described as fair, and beautiful.

Watching Game of Thrones It’s super easy to forget that Daenerys Targaryen was *supposed* to be a girl in her early teens. Emilia Clarke, the actor who played Daenerys in the HBO adaptation was 24-years-old when the series first aired.

Oh well, at least they got the hair right…

~24 yrs, mismatched green/black eyes, thin hair so blonde it’s almost white, large jutting forehead, oversized head

While it’s hard to match Peter Dinklage‘s on-screen presence, the AI does a half-decent job at recreating his facial structure.

Minus the hair and notable eye difference, I’m only slightly horrified at how close technology has come to representing real life. A win for the AI?

Jon Snow: Age 14-17. Has the most Stark features of the kids, with dark grey eyes, a long face, and dark brown hair.

Similar to Daenerys, Jon Snow was deffo another character the HBO producers looked at and went “yeah nah, this has to be played by an actual adult”.

When Game of Thrones series 1 kicked off, Kit Harington was just 23-years-old despite his character description as an early teen.

Nevertheless, teenage me would’ve been jealous of how pimple-free this AI kid’s skin is…

If you’re keen to check out the rest of the AI Game of Thrones designs, you can do so here.