Adam Bandt Goes HAM On Libspill And Potential New Overlord Malcolm Turnbull

As much as we all laugh about Libspill and have a good time – what with our dank memes and such – the bottom line is that Malcolm Turnbull‘s leadership challenge is primarily due to systemic failures in policy by a leadership group that, at times, has seemingly Governed for the good of its own existence, rather than the betterment of its constituents.

And whether or not Turnbull actually presents as an improved option policy-wise remains to be seen, particularly given that policy decision making is less the job of the individual figurehead (lord knows that Tony Abbott‘s “Captain’s Picks” were not just the cause of much public eye-rolling, but bemused political allies to no end as well) and is rather subject to factional jockeying; especially so in a Liberal Party dominated by conservative right wing politicking.
Greens MP Adam Bandt made that questioning abundantly clear in addressing a Parliamentary meeting this afternoon, in the wake of the Libspill announcement.
Bandt – the Member for Melbourne; what it is, fellow 3000ers! – spat straight fire in cautioning Turnbull away from striking policy compromise in order simply gain the numbers; in essence, questioning whether Turnbull is indeed the right call for Australia, or simply the second side of largely the same coin.
A way more articulate, less onion-eatingish, probably more humanely compassionate side. But the same coin nonetheless.

Adam on Turnbull and #Libspill in Parliament

Will a new Prime Minister bring new policies? Malcolm Turnbull — Australians will be watching you like a hawk.

Posted by Adam Bandt on Sunday, 13 September 2015

The Ballet on a Mine Field that is Liberal Leadership Crisis 2 rolls on.