A Plan Of Attack To Follow Next Time You Cop Adult Acne

Clear skin is like your Grandma’s lasagne.
You don’t realise how good it is until it’s gone.
Anyway, despite the fact that we’re adults and our salad days pimple days are firmly behind us, acne still happens. And it’s not just the day before the party.
One day, you’re getting into the Alicia Keys-no-make-up-but-still-looking-cute vibe, and the next, you can’t even send your best mate a purposefully-ugly selfie without applying the dog filter.
google: how to apply mariah carey glow filter to my everyday life
It’s demoralising. But it doesn’t have to be that way! *Cue Clearasil informercial* 
Just joking. A single ‘miracle product’ doesn’t really exist. Instead, there are a few lifestyle changes you can make that can improve your complexion. Here’s a plan of attack you can put into place today to get your skin looking brighter and toighter tomorrow.*
(*Editor’s disclaimer: I’ll be the first to say that sometimes the below tips don’t do much. Sometimes your skin problems are hormonal and do require medical treatment. But before hitting the hard stuff like Accutane, it’s worth giving the less hectic remedies a go first.)
1. Clean your sheets regularly 
A quick ask-around at the PEDESTRIAN.TV office proved that we’re a grotty bunch.
Most of my colleagues admitted they clean their sheets once a month. The only thing that would entice them to clean their sheets earlier would be if they did a root in the bed. Or if R. Kelly slept over. Pisssssssss.
Your body is an oily wonderland, and considering you spend 8 or so hours in bed, those oils rub off onto your sheets. Your body sheds about a million skin cells a day too, so you should ideally be washing (at least) your pillowcase every week.
Heck, if you really want to take your pillow game up a notch, you can buy one of Zoë Foster Blake‘s Go-To Silk Pillowcases. They’re doubly good because the silk won’t absorb your precious / expensive night cream. 
2. Double cleanse after removing make up

Ahhh, the double cleanse. It’s imperative. 
If you wear make-up, you’ll be familiar with the fact that washing your face once doesn’t get all the gunk off. Think of the first cleanse as wiping the slate, and the second cleanse as getting into the slate and getting it clean as a whistle.
(If you’re prone to dry skin, it’s important you pick your cleanser wisely – two cleanses with a not-quite-right cleanser could dry out your skin to the max. Find the right balanced cleanser that’s strong enough without stripping your skin of all natural oils is a trial and error process. Whatever you choose, a deep, rich moisturiser afterwards will help replenish your skin.)

3. On that – test cleansers and find your holy grail
This one’s really important. There are so many skin washes out there, it’s only natural to be confused about what to use. 
Milk cleanser? Jelly cleanser? Water-based cleanser? How about just water?
It’s a trial and error process. Some people swear by the cheap-as-chips, $13 for 500ml Cetaphil (which is actually highly recommended by most dermatologists), whereas others find it’s too weak and want something with a bit more grit.
If you haven’t found your One True Cleanser, you should head to a skin speciality store like Sephora or Mecca and ask for testers of each. Spend a week or so giving each one a whirl before making your purchase. 

4. Drink water / reassess your diet 
This wouldn’t be a clear skin guide without this point. Sorry.
For some, lack of hydration and a sugar-heavy diet can be the root causes of acne. The best way to find out if this applies to you is to go cold turkey on the sweets and swap Diet Coke for water. Even if it’s just for two weeks, to see if it clears up your visage.
5. Find a facialist who does extractions (the right way)

For the uninitiated, facials seem very glamorous. 
You lie down on a plush bed and someone touches your face delicately while Enya plays softly in the background, right? No.
In my experience, a good, worthwhile facial is uncomfortable but ultimately satisfying. 
If you’re prone to blackheads, a good facial will go as follows: the beautician will cleanse your face, usually twice, then they’ll steam it before performing extractions. They’ll then cleanse your skin again and apply a calming mask, before washing that off and layering your skin with a hydrating concoction of masks and serums. You might walk outta there looking a bit red, but a day or so after your skin will look lush.
Extractions, if you’ve never heard of that term, refer to the harvest of blackheads. These typically crop up in your T zone (your forehead, nose and chin) and can be very stubborn.
You might be tempted to use your two fingers to squeeze ’em out at home, but it’s best to leave it to the experts because:
– They have the right ultra-bright lights and can see more of them
– They’ll prep your skin by steaming first, so your skin will be ready and less easily-damage
– They’ll know what angle to attack the pores from – this way, they’ll use less pressure = less pain
Yep, facials can leave a little dent in your back account (a solid, 45 minute deep cleanse facial should cost you roughly $80) they’re a great routine treatment for keeping your skin under control.

6. Don’t squeeze, pop or pick at ’em
I say this, despite being a full-blown picker. I’ll see a pimple and head straight to the nearest mirror to kill it. While I’m at it, I’ll pick at every half-formed blackhead on my face, often mistaking beauty spots for the suckers. I’m addicted. But it is bad, because:

– Pop and pimple and stuff will come out. That stuff then spreads onto other areas of your face. That means, you guessed it, more pimples.
– Popping pimples can result in scarring. You’re breaking the skin and forcing stuff out, which essentially turns it from blemish to wound. Yep, a pimple is unsightly, but it might only last a week. A scar lasts far longer.

Instead, leave the extractions to the experts.

7. Keep a skin diary
This doesn’t have to involve you sitting down at a dimly lit desk with a cup of Peppermint tea every night, journaling your every thought and emotion about your beloved skin.
Instead, use your regular diary to note particular breakouts. It’s the easiest way to see patterns over the course of a month or two, which can leave clues as to why you’re having pimple problems. 
You might realise it’s got to do with that time of the month, or that you seem to cop a smattering of zits when you have a big assignment due. When you know the cause, you can treat it far easier.
8. Bite the bullet and see a dermatologist

Heck, if you’ve tried all of the previous points and nothing has worked (hello, I’ve been there) it’s worth asking your doctor for a referral to a skin doctor.
Dermatologists are experts in all things skin, and they’ll be able to take one look at your skin and give you a plan of attack. 
That might be starting off with antibiotics, or even progressing to Accutane and other hard acne drugs. 
Good luck, my sweet clear-skinned fiends.
Photo: Mean Girls.