The King Who Sucked A 10-Inch Dick & Ruptured His Airway Finally Dropped A 10-Min Story Vid

Remember this story? It went viral back in 2018 because, OBVIOUSLY IT DID. A king named Fredy Alanis tweeted that sucking a guy from Grindr’s 10-inch dick ruptured his airway, which landed him in hospital – where he took this infamous selfie.


He actually didn’t post the selfie until seven months after the hospital stay, but the wild nature of it caught the internet’s attention.

Now Fredy Alanis has taken to Twitter (again) to shout out the five-year anniversary of the momentous occasion that saw him reach viral Internet fame.

He also gifted us with a 10-minute (one minute for every inch?) storytime Tiktok telling us all about the horny injury, which happened when he was going down on a guy named Jack.

He finally explains in the Tiktok that the reason his airway got ruptured – aside from the sheer size of Jack’s dong – was that he and Jack would hook up in the front seat of a car.

Alanis says he can remember a “sharp pain” followed by “immediate soreness”.

He said it eventually escalated to “the most ridiculous pain I’ve ever felt in my whole entire life”. It was eventually diagnosed as pneumomediastinum, a condition where loose air leaks into your chest cavity (in Alanis’ case caused by a tear in his airway).

In the Tiktok, Fredy Alanis recalled posting the tweet months after he sent the initial snapchat pic to his mates. “It just blew up,” he said. I hope that pun was intended.

Back in 2018 when the story went viral, Fredy Alanis did an interview for Outin which he elaborated on the ill-fated blowjob that will go down in history (probs).

“He’s my old neighbour who I found on Grindr,” Fredy explained of the guy involved. “He’s, like, four years older than I am, so I knew who he was, but we never hung out or anything before.”

Alanis went on to say that at first, he didn’t realise anything was wrong.

“…It was just this soreness in my chest. Nothing really hurt that bad. I thought, maybe my chest is just sore from what took place, and I didn’t think anything of it,” he told Out.

“I woke up the next morning, and the pain was still in my chest and it was sharp. I was hunched over and crying.”

Alanis said when he first felt something was up, he didn’t stop.

“I wasn’t gonna stop. In the heat of the moment my willpower willed me to continue. Stamina.”

In the days afterward, Alanis went to the doc.

“When I went to the doctor… they said there was a rupture in my airway. I didn’t tell them exactly what happened because my mom drove me to the hospital. I told my mom that the night before I was violently coughing. I had to pull something out of my ass really quick to cover it up,” he recalled.

“I was in the hospital for three days. I felt like, eventually, I had to tell the doctors exactly what happened to be treated the right way. It was January 3rd, so I was starting off the new year in the hospital.”

Alanis did tell the Grindr dude straight away – and they actually hooked up aftwards (although more cautiously).

“I’ve actually seen him since then. I saw him two weeks ago, I’m not even going to lie. I told him what happened and since then when we decide to hook up or whatever he is a lot less rough. He’s more cautious and aware of what he’s doing. I don’t want to be in the hospital! He told me he felt so bad. He works in an ambulance so he’s pretty aware of the human body and what’s possible,” Alanis said.

“I was texting him on my way to the hospital and I said my chest is really hurting and he said he hoped he didn’t cause it because he knows it’s possible.”

As for his parents – at the time, they didn’t know the injury was sex-related, but Fredy Alanis reckoned given the post’s reach, it was only a matter of time.

And in the latest Tiktok, we got an update with Alanis saying: “Obviously with it going viral, my parents found out. That’s just like a whole other story it itself.”

Another 10-minute storytime please king.