Study Locations Ranked By How Much Work You’ll Actually Get Done

Study Locations Ranked By How Much Work You'll Actually Get Done

There are some common study situations that just do not make sense to me. To be fair, when I’m trying to concentrate I demand absolute silence. Just ask my poor family dealing with sassy self during end of high-school exams. Although actually if there is background noise it has to be a constant buzz so it’s basically the same as silence. I know this isn’t the case for some people, who prefer an onslaught of bangers pouring out the speakers and such, but they are wrong.

So here is a definintive ranking of good and bad places to study, no questions allowed.

With A Mate

No. Absolutely not. I have never understood why people thought this was a good idea? I’ve seen the teen rom coms, this is simply a tool to get your crush to ask you some ridiculous ‘study’ related question, and then you answer looking like a hero even if your answer makes no sense and next minute you’re both macking on. Zero study accomplished.

Has this ever actually happened outside of America? Let me know.

In A Tree

You laugh (I did too), but this is a legitimate place that a co-worker preferred for study purposes so it makes the list. And look, I understand the appeal.

I am definintely a climber, especially when drunk but also just in general. Those big really friendly looking trees are absolutely irresitable to me. Mountains and rock walls? Heck yes. The outside of dance cages at clubs? Mine. I’m not even one of the sexy people inside the cage attracting a mate, I’m the weirdo climbing as high as possible on the outside in stilettos until security rightly makes me get down.

Climbing is great because you get solitude. There’s no room for anyone else on you’re journey and you’re too high to really be annoyed by anyone trying to grab your attention from below. Solitude is also great for study. But due to the fact you’re essential restricted to only being able to take your readings and a highlighter up there, it still hits the bottom of the list.

Unless you have a tree house where you can spread out, that’s a game changer.

see? wholesome

At Work

If you’ve never snuck in a sneaky reading or two when your crap part-time job gets really slow, then you’re probably just lying. Sure it means you might accidentally ignore the occasional customer but whatever, you’re studying to not have to deal with them at all anymore, right? I once read Hunger Games in 2 days at an actually not bad desk job for not at all study-related reasons, but it was book 3 and I was HOOKED, you know?

It still comes in pretty low as an option though because it’s very stop-start. If the boss walks in, if a customer needs help, even if you’re on break in the lunch room and your co-workers keep popping in and out, your focus is broken.


Yes, I’m as much a fan of heading to a cafe with my laptop anytime I have to get ‘work’ done as the next cliche. But if we’re being realstic it’s not a great place to actually be productive.

You’re close to food and drinks, which is lovely, but also REALLY distracting. You know as well as I do that the moment your hot drink and/or food comes out you’re typing one handed while all your attention is on filling your belly. Plus if you’re a people watcher, this is prime watching territory. I look about more than a little bird.


Look this one is much the same deal as the above and probably worse for most people given it’s beer and not coffee, but I rank it one higher because I’m in a creative industry and nothing improves your writing like a few cheeky bevvies. Of course it has to be during the day, abort mission come party time.

A Campus Nook

My uni had this super tall tower with weird little alcoves and random couches. Most people went there to sleep, and I among them, but I also had a couple of choice spots that provided just the right amount of shelter and a powerpoint that you felt really alone, but it was also in the place that you went to learn things so you felt really productive too.

At least, until security came around to shoof you out.


In general, science confirms that time in nature is good. Real good. It reduces your blood pressure and your risk of a whole bunch of other disease related things. But it also calms your stress head and actually increases your ability to learn, which is kind of what we’re going for here. There’s still other people around, sure, but it’s less distracting in wide open spaces plus it seems to be an accepted courtesy to leave each other alone?

Really the only distraction is going to be the odd dog that runs up for love, but I fail to see how that’s a negative. The only downside is having to contend with the weather.


Think about it, how many times have you left the house to go study somewhere ‘sensible’ only to realise once you get there that you’ve forgotten an essential piece of study material. You know where that thing you forgot is? In your bedroom. Plus you’re still close to food and drinks but it’s less money. It’s even better if you have a desk set up, but I’m a classic spread-out-all-over-the-bed-and-slump-over-it kind of studier.


Confession: bedroom is actually my favourite place to study, but I will admit there can sometimes be distractions that aren’t allowed in a library. Noisy people for starters, then your proximity to more fun things to do than study. And for this reason alone, the library wins.