Behold, A Job Which Will Pay You To Travel To Mexico & Learn About Grog

brand ambassador

Some people are so lucky. While the rest of us are sussing out kidney prices to fund our next vacation (they declined mine for being ‘alarmingly unresponsive’), others are getting paid to actually travel.

I’m not even talking about those jobs where you get paid five cents to work 13-hour shifts in a might-or-might-not-get-stabbed hostel lobby, I’m talking about an actual, adult salary.

Kahlua is offering an espresso martini enthusiast (or just a bev enthusiast in general) the role of Australia‘s Brand Ambassador, which, in a nutshell, means you’ll be the leading expert in all things Kahlua – the more knowledge, the better.

Oh yes, and Kahlua’s also bringing its espresso martinis, on tap, to bars around the world. Smack my thigh and call me Johnny, that’s the freshest bit o’ news I’ve heard all week.

Forewarning though, you do have to be partial to photos and such as you’ll technically be the face of Australia. No pressure though, if Scott or John or whoever’s in charge of our country can do it, you can too – probably more effectively, if anything.

The only prerequisite you really need is to own a passport as you’ll be flitting off to Mexico to learn everything there is you need to know about the coffee-flavoured liqueur. You know, how Kahlua is born, what liqueurs it’s dated in the past, its celebrity crush etc – the basics.

If you’re not already shaking with anticipation, check out Kahlua’s current Global Ambassador living her best life:

If you reckon you’ve finally found your calling in life, head here to scope out the rest of the duties involved and apply.

I’m inclined to add that this is probably a lot of people’s calling in life, so if you wanna beat your competition, don’t be a fun sponge. Promoting responsible drinking? Yes. Being allergic to a good time? No thank you.

I’m not even the one hiring you but I feel like that was an important piece of information to get off my chest.

If you don’t reckon you’re cut out for the job but still froth a good espresso martini, you can enter the comp below to win a luxe lunch for you and a buncha mates – with Kahlua Espresso Martinis on tap, of course.

Win A Long Lunch With Kahlua Espresso Martinis On Tap For You & 5 Mates