I Was Today Years Old When I Realised The Tequila Sombrero Is Designed To Hold Salt

tequila hack

There are very few combinations in this world that work as well as tequila and salt (and lemon), but it has taken 21 years of life for me to realise that the cute little sombrero lid of your tequila is actually designed to hold salt.

Mind = blown.

If you’ve ever bought a bottle of Sierra Tequila, you’ve probably made some pretty poor life decisions. You’ve probably also quietly lost your shit over how cute the sombrero lid is.

But if you’re like me, you probably just thought this adorable lid was purely for aesthetic purposes. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Nope, it’s not just a cute Mexican hat for your cat.

It turns out this cute lil sombrero actually serves a pretty useful purpose: to hold the salt for your tequila shots.

Gone are the days of pouring salt all over your kitchen bench purely for the purpose of rimming your salt glass because the red or gold plastic hat is *actually* a salt holder.

Basically, you just need to fill the lid with salt, dip your shot glass in lemon juice, then dip it in the sombrero and voila! You’ve got a perfectly salt-rimmed glass.

I’m not saying this is an excuse to buy a bottle of tequila, but if you’re looking for a reason to get on the piss tonight, it’s probably worth testing this one out for yourself.

Thank me later.