You’re All Googling ‘Milo Dalgona’ To Make That TikTok Coffee Trend A Little More Aussie

One thing we’ve all gone absolutely boonta for over the last couple of months has been that whipped coffee trend. You know the one, where you whip together sugar, water and coffee into soft peaks of foam before adding it to milk. It’s weird but we’ve gotta do something with all this spare time now, right? Well if you’re not a huge coffee fiend, there’s a more Aussie dalgona you can make: Milo dalgona.

Trust us to find the most ocker version of something possible, right?

It legit sounds so delicious. I wasn’t super fussed by the idea of whipped coffee foam until I learned you can do it with Milo too.

Apparently you lot have been googling the shit out of dalgona coffee alternatives, by the way. The numbers have been crunched, the stats are in, and “dalgona Milo” as a search term has spiked an insane 5,980% globally in the last 30 days on Google. Jesus wept, that’s a couple of punters.

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Although Milo is pretty much our national beverage over here in Australia, it’d be remiss of me to not acknowledge that the perfect chocolate malt-y drink is also hugely popular overseas, especially in Indonesia.

I’d put it to you that the original dalgona-style Milo is actually just a cold Milo prepared properly (12 scoops of milo to half a glass of cold milk) but I’ll accept this frothy alternative.

Take a moment to drool over all of these pics of Milo dalgona drinks though, because god damn I think I’ve found my weekend activity now.

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