Darrell Lea Released A Rice Bubbles Choccy Block That Deserves Prime Real Estate In The Pantry

Darrell Lea

After my seventh brief stint back at my family abode (I’m Miss Independent with a huge asterisk), I’ve become conditioned to make a beeline straight to the pantry to sniff out my parents’ glorious snack shelf.

Treats as far as the eye can see, you’ll never again go without that sweet injection of sugary serotonin if you stay at Casa De Costello.

Since I know the family pantry like the back of my hand, I also know there will, without a doubt, be a block of Darrell Lea poorly hidden under the less fancy pile of chocolates.

So when I first learnt that Darrell Lea was dropping four new flavours, you best believe I ran out onto the street in my finest silk robe to spread the word to the neighbours.

Yes, Darrell Lea has seemingly launched a whole new range of choccie blocks right under our greedy little noses and, according to quite genuinely everyone else, I’m late to the party.

Take a gander at the new range in all its glory:

I like to imagine the Darrell Lea execs invite chocolate fiends into the boardroom to pitch their wildest dreams and those dreams get approved and passed straight to the lab. This is the only scenario that explains how this Rice Bubbles x Darrell Lea concoction came to fruition. I’m sold.

Dark chocolate will always have a place in my pantry for those times when I’m feeling better than everyone.

If guests spy dark peppermint chocolate in your pantry, they’ll assume you’ve got your life together even if it’s visibly veering out of control.

Are you that friend in your tight-knit circle that isn’t allowed to drive people anywhere because of that one time you “made them fear for their lives” and “probably bribed officials to get your licence”?

Whack a coupla packets of these white choc balls in the glovebox of your car and those so-called mates will be clawing each other’s eyes out to ride shotgun.

Same rationale as above but with a milk chocolate twist. You’re gonna need a bigger car to fit everyone in your Darrell Lea Datsun.

The entire range should be nestled in the chocolate aisle at your nearest Woolies so hop in that Datsun and crank it, pronto. You still have time to win back those mates of yours.